One common reason people start to read your blog post but then leave is due to the reading time. They may be interested in what you have to say but only have a few minutes to spare when they come across it. They start to read, thinking it will only take a couple of minutes but then realise it’s quite an in-depth post and they don’t have enough time. They click off the blog post and may then get distracted and forget to return to it.
The other side of the coin is where people have limited time and think the blog post is going to take 10 minutes to read whereas it’s actually short and sharp and could be read in just 2 minutes.
This can mean a huge loss in potential followers and prospective clients if you have a subscribe to newsletter opt-in at the end of your posts or you have a call to action further down the content.
So how to get over this issue and get people to keep reading your blog to the end?
The easiest way to overcome this problem is to display an estimated reading time on all your blog posts. You can either do this manually by using online calculators and adding the reading time to each blog post or if you have a WordPress website, use a reputable plugin.
A simple online calculator is Read-O-Meter where you simply copy and paste your content and it automatically calculates the estimated reading time.
If you want to make it super easy and have a WordPress website, use a plugin such as Read Meter which I use. It’s super simple to use and it automatically calculates the read time for you. This can then be displayed at the top or bottom of your blog post as shown in the image below and at the top of this post also. I love this plugin as it really is so easy to set up and can be customised with your theme colours.

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