Why it’s important to share feelings

Sometimes when we are feeling stressed, worried or overwhelmed it can help to write our feelings down.  But it can also help if you share feelings with someone else.  As the adage says, a problem shared is a problem halved.

It can also give you a boost to share your successes and steps forward no matter how large or small with someone else.  Sometimes you may just want to vent your feelings with someone in complete confidence and privacy without being judged.

Did you ever use to do this as a child with a pen pal?   Or do you still have a pen pal now?

I chat via email with a lady that I met and connected with through an online group.  I have never met her in person or spoken to her via phone or Skype.  I have no idea what her voice sounds like but somehow we seemed to click online.  We now share our stories which have moved from just being about business to personal lives also.  She is my safe person to turn to and talk to about just about anything.

Being able to share feelings is invaluable

Having this support is invaluable to me.  There are times that I don’t want to speak to anyone face to face but I just want someone to know how I am feeling.  There are times when I find the going tough and just want to share my anguish with someone who isn’t going to immediately come over for a cuppa and a chat or pick up the phone and call me.  All I want is to get my feelings down on paper (or keypad) so that I can release them from my head.

Once your feelings are written down, it can feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders.  Just the act of writing down how you are feeling can help you clarify your thoughts and it can be surprising how solutions suddenly appear to you that you hadn’t thought of before whilst going through this process.

When you are writing down these feelings and thoughts to share with someone else, it can also help you put things in perspective.  You can start to see the situation more objectively, and as mentioned previously, start to see solutions that were hidden from view before.

Finding someone to share feelings with

If you don’t have anyone that you feel you can do this with already, how about finding that one person that you feel an affinity with?  Who do you chat to in groups?  Do you have a past colleague or associate that you could reconnect with?  Do you know someone who has a business similar to yours that would be happy to share stories with you and listen to yours?

You need to feel comfortable with whoever you choose to share feelings with.  You need to trust that they will retain confidentiality on whatever you tell them.  It can sometimes be easier to use someone outside of your inner circle of friends or family as they won’t have a personal interest or judgement on how you should live your life.

If you are stuck and don’t know how to turn, take a look at The Small Business Kit member’s club.  Enhanced members all get unlimited email access to me and many of them have signed up purely to be able to use me as a sounding board without judgement.  Sometimes they want a response with advice and sometimes they say they just want to get things off their chest.

Whatever you choose to do, the important thing is not to try and go through your journey alone.  Make sure you have someone to turn to in times of need.  And you can always post in my private Facebook group and share your feelings if you wish

Much love

Angie x