Why it may be time for a social media declutter

Why it may be time for a social media declutter

How often do you go on your social media channels such as Facebook and Twitter just to keep scrolling through so much ‘noise’ that you really don’t want to read?  Do you find yourself getting irritated and spending too much time looking for something of interest to read?  If yes then read on.

It may be time for a social media declutter!

You have probably heard about decluttering your home but how about decluttering your social media?

What is a social media declutter?

Basically, social media decluttering is getting rid of anything that you don’t love or find useful and is taking up valuable space in your news feed.   It can be a little time-consuming to start with but once done you will have better focus and spend less time filtering through all the irrelevant content that you no longer wish to see.  As a lovely lady in The Success Club put it, it really is no different than decluttering the house before Christmas or spring cleaning the wardrobe ready for summer.  You just remove what no longer serves you.

How to do it.

Work through one social media channel at a time and do the following where relevant:

  • Go through groups you have joined and delete any that are no longer relevant or don’t offer you any value.
  • Go back through your news feed on your business pages and get rid of any items you may have posted that may no longer be relevant to the way your business is now progressing.
  • Go through your connections on LinkedIn and Twitter and delete any people that are constantly posting things you are not interested in. I also get rid of Twitter accounts I am following that no longer hold an interest for you.
  • If you run any groups where you have members who are constantly negative and are bringing the wrong feeling to the group, delete them.  If you want to be truly professional, message them to politely let them know that you don’t feel they are a right fit for the group any more and they would be better finding another group that is better able to help them.  Then hit delete.
  • Finally, go through your personal page on Facebook and really think how your numerous ‘friends’ make you feel.  If there are people there that drain you and you feel your energy level drop just by seeing their name, get rid of them.  You don’t have room for these people in your life when you need every ounce of energy to continue to build your business.  There are always people that make you feel bad about yourself so remove them from your life.  You will feel so much better for it.  If however, you really don’t feel up to deleting them, you can just unfollow them so they don’t show up in your feed.

So now you have completed your social media declutter, you should have gotten rid of all the rubbish that takes up your news feed and causes unnecessary distraction and frustration.  More time to focus on achieving that next level of success.

Declutter your home

Declutter your home

Declutter your home and improve business productivity

If you declutter your home, how can this help improve your business?  Because if you have a cluttered home, you are likely to have a cluttered mind which will impact on how productive you are in your business.  And this is even more relevant if you run a business from home.  You will constantly be surrounded by clutter that will cause stress and take up time trying to sort through when you want something.

But what is decluttering?

Basically, decluttering is sorting out everything in your home, deciding whether to keep it or not based on some strict criteria, getting rid of everything you don’t want to keep and organising what you do want to keep.

Easy huh?

Well, no, not always.


Because so many of us hang on to so many things in our homes and just cannot bring ourselves to part with them. These items quickly and easily turn into ‘junk’ which very subtly starts to take over our time, resources and finances making us stressed and miserable.  In effect cluttering our lives.

One item on its own you could probably cope with but when you take into account all the number of ‘junk’ items you have in your home, it is quite frightening when you really sit back and add up the amount of time we spend on them without realising. We have to clean these items, keep tidying them when they get in the way, find more space for them as they gather more items to join them. This all costs money when you think about it too. Cleaning materials cost money. Storage space costs money. Your time is money.

So how do you declutter your home?

Get rid of the junk!  But what is junk?

Junk is something that is:

  • Broken
  • No longer used
  • Dated and/or obsolete
  • You hate or don’t really like
  • Doesn’t fit
  • Doesn’t work
  • Gives off negative vibes
  • You wouldn’t miss if you never saw it again

Top junk items around the home:

  • Books and magazines
  • Clothes
  • Jewellery
  • Toys
  • Presents given to you that you have never used/liked
  • Paperwork and bills

Junk is not something that:

  • You love
  • Makes you feel good
  • Makes you money
  • Is a necessity in daily life
  • You would cry over if it got stolen

It takes time and courage to declutter your home and your life but believe me, it is well worth doing. I have never known something so completely therapeutic as having decluttered a room. It is also good fun as you can discover things you had forgotten all about which can make you laugh with the memories or find that earring that you thought had disappeared forever.

You can make money be selling some of your junk items or help others by donating to charity. You can cut down on your cleaning time and bring a whole fresh look and feel to your home.  And once you have done your home, you can apply exactly the same principles to any other areas such as your office or car.

So what have you been waiting for?  Get started now and declutter your home.  It may just help improve your business productivity.