How To Grow Your Facebook Numbers On Your Business Page
Do you get frustrated when trying to grow the number of fans and followers on your Facebook business page? Do you keep putting out posts but just hear the sound of the tumbleweed floating by?
Here are my top tips to grow your Facebook numbers on your business page.
Send an invite to contacts
Email all contacts and send out a newsletter letting them know about your page and asking them to join. Don’t forget to put the link to your page to make it easy for them to find it. I’ve seen so many emails saying ‘come like my page’ and no info on what the page is called or a link to it. Yes, really!!
Ask friends to share
Put a post out on your own personal page inviting people to like your business page and to share it with anyone who may be interested in it.
Link to your page from your personal profile
On your personal profile make sure you have a link to your business page. When posting in other groups etc, people may be interested to see what you do. If they go to your personal profile and you have your business page set as your workplace, it makes it easy for them to find your page and like it.
Put a link on your website
On your website, make sure you have a prominent link to your Facebook page and ask your readers to
Put links on all marketing material
Put a link to your Facebook page on all your marketing material such as business cards, email footers, blog posts etc. Make it easy for people to find you.
Create interesting, interactive posts
Create posts to gain interaction. Use unique images, create videos (especially live ones), ask questions, get people to choose their favourite ‘something’ from a choice you give them. Look at other posts from businesses similar to yours and see what types are getting the most interaction.
Don’t sell, sell, sell
Don’t just promote your business. The majority of your posts at the moment relate back to something you are offering as a service. Facebook will reduce the reach of promotional posts as I wrote in a recent article. Have a read for how to increase your reach.
Run a competition
Create a competition. Now a word of warning here. This is a great way of getting likes but some of these are not going to be your ideal client as there are so many people out there who will enter any competition going. It’s still a way to get a buzz going about your business. You can either run a competition for something very specific to your business such as a free c.v. review or one of the best that I ran was to buy a lottery ticket. I then said that anyone who liked the page and posted their favourite number in the comments below would get a share of the winnings if the ticket won.
Like and share other content
Like and share other posts that are complementary to your business. You can like these posts as your business page rather than by your personal profile. This helps raise awareness and in many cases, the owner of the page who posts you have liked will come and like your own page. As they are a complementary business this helps you get in front of their audience that may have your ideal client in.
Tag complementary businesses
Also, when sharing an article from another page, or talking about something linked to another business page, tag that page in your post. When you tag another page, the fans of that page will get to see your post which will gain interest in your own page.
Check your cover photo
Finally, make sure you cover photo is clear what your page is about. Try to look at your page objectively as an outsider, what would they think it was about? Ask a few people what they think. If your cover photo relays the correct message and makes it clear this is what you do, you are more likely to attract the people you want to work with. If it gives the wrong message, people will scan it and move on elsewhere.
Do you have any tips of your own? Share in the comments below and feel free to include a link to your Facebook page so readers can take a look.
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