How to create your best marketing message yet
There are 4 key points when creating any sort of marketing message. If you work through these one at a time, in the end, you will have a crystal-clear message to attract your much-needed clients.
Who are you talking to and what problem do they have?
Describe your ideal client and what problem they are having. What keeps them awake at night?
You really need to get your ideal client clear in your head. Who are they? Where do they hang out? What interests do they have? What age and gender are they?
It is through this clarity that you can then nail down what problem they are having (which they may not yet realise themself). Do they need more time, money, easier way to do something? What exactly is it?
How can you help them solve this problem?
Once you have identified your ideal client and what problem they have, the next step is to describe simply and clearly how you can help them solve this problem.
Really dig deep as to what the end result is that will make a huge difference to them. Will they be healthier, happier, and more confident? Get clear on the benefit of the client working with you rather than taking no action at all and carrying on as they are.
Why should they believe you?
Moving on from who your ideal client is, what problem they have and how you can help them, you need to explain why they should believe you.
Don’t be vague on this. Be specific. What results have you gained in the past? How many people have you helped and what results did they get? Do you have glowing testimonials from happy clients? You need something tangible here so that will start to trust that you can make a difference in their lives.
Why should they act now?
The final part of your marketing message is why should a buyer act now.
Think about what is going to happen if they delay their purchase. Why should they buy now and not wait for another six months? How can you create a sense of urgency?
Now you need to put this all together to create your full marketing message. Remember the 4 key points:
- Who are you talking to and what problem do they have?
- How can you help them solve this problem?
- Why should they believe you?
- Why should they act now?
You don’t need to write a novel here. Keep it short and sweet and attention-grabbing.
Write it out and post over in the Facebook group with the tag #Feedback and I will take a look and give you some feedback.