The Best Way To Get People Interested In Gift Vouchers
There are so many reasons why gift vouchers can be a good idea to use in your business.
- They raise your business profile
- You get instant cash up front
- Great for indecisive buyers who can’t decide what they want right away
- A great way to get new clients
But how do you get people interested in buying them?
To get people interested in gift vouchers you first need to decide who is going to be buying them as this may be different to your ideal client who will be using them. Think husbands, boyfriends, partners, friends etc. Where are they so that you can your vouchers under their noses.
Make the benefit clear of buying the voucher:
- Save time trawling the shops for gifts.
- The perfect gift for the woman who has everything.
- Stuck for gift ideas? Here’s the perfect answer
- Pamper her like a queen
- A treat she will love you for
Market everywhere!
- Send out info to your mailing list, post consistently on social media. Post on your own page, in your group, on local selling sites etc.
- Send the voucher info to your past clients and prospects and tell them to add a voucher to their Christmas gift list.
- Consider adding your voucher to a third-party site such as Groupon or Wowcher etc but do check how much commission they take and ensure you are still going to make a profit as you will need to offer the voucher at a discounted rate on these sites.
- When marketing for special occasions such as Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s day etc, start your marketing well in advance. Don’t leave it until the last minute when people will have already made their purchases. Do, however, keep marketing right up until the very day for those who are completely unorganized and going into last minute panic of what to buy.
Run a competition
To raise awareness of your voucher, run a competition with a voucher as the prize.
Put the competition on your website and ask people to answer one simple question such as ‘what is your favourite beauty treatment’ (or whatever is relevant to your business of course) and then leave their email address to enter. Create just one page for this competition and then post the link to this page everywhere. Again, use social media, email etc.
Once the competition is over, email the winner to everyone who entered and perhaps offer them a small discount on buying a voucher as a thank you for entering. This works twofold. It can help you get more sales and you also now have more subscribers to add to your future mailing list (you must make it clear to entrants that they will also be added to your mailing list but they can unsubscribe at any time if you are going to do this).
Creating your voucher
When creating your voucher, remember the following:
- Make sure your offering on your voucher is clear and simple. What is it for, when, where etc.
- Set out terms and conditions properly – how long it is valid for, booking terms, how to book etc
- Add a link to buy online to your website and Facebook page
- Make the voucher look and feel good. No-one wants to get a thin piece of paper with a dull bit of writing on it. Snazz it up using something like Canva. Pop it into an envelope to make it easy for the purchaser to hand over to the recipient.
- When selling online, consider giving purchasers a choice of designs to choose from. If this is too much work for you and you are now going into ‘How the hell do I do that mode’ just stick with one simple, yet beautiful design with your branding on it.
- Have all your contact details and how to book clearly displayed.
If you have a gift voucher promotion, feel free to pop the link in the comments box below.