The awful moment you have no motivation to carry on

The awful moment you have no motivation to carry on

The scary moment when you realise you have no motivation left

Deep breath time as I am out of my comfort zone and have a confession to make.

Last month I had no motivation for my business.  Phew – I said it!

I had a lot going on last month and was left both physically and emotionally drained.  This created a downward spiral that I struggled to get out of.  I am normally full of energy and motivation and the one who is keeping everyone else buoyed up.  But suddenly I was the one needing help and I simply didn’t know where to turn.

I was having a mini-meltdown!

I didn’t want to get out of bed and when I did, I didn’t want to work.  Everything I did was half-hearted and felt like I was wading through treacle.  I had no motivation to carry on with my business.  I was having a mini-meltdown!

I was afraid of admitting how I was feeling as people expected me to be the leader.  If I wasn’t coping and asked for help, how would people view me, especially clients?  I was scared of them losing faith in me and not wanting to work with me again.  If I had no motivation, how could I motivate them?

I had been struggling alone with a major family issue that sprung up out of the blue.  I started to feel ill and all I wanted to do was lie in a darkened room and cry.  I actually felt like I was in mourning.  I was mourning my old self that felt like it had died with no chance of being resurrected.

Missed opportunities

I missed a number of valuable opportunities that were right under my nose but that I either missed until it was too late, or quite simply, didn’t have the energy or inclination to take advantage of.

I felt desperate.  I felt alone.  Two weeks went by and then something happened.  A video popped up in my inbox from the wonderful Sarah Marshall from Tapping Into Money Girl.  I felt compelled to stop everything and watch.  And it was as though she was talking to me personally.

I was self-sabotaging!


My business had been going so well that I had got scared.  I had hit a money block of taking it to the next level.  The self-doubt has started to creep in, who was I to be earning that level of money?  What if I hit a level that I couldn’t sustain?  Would people expect more of me if I took things to the next level?

Once I had taken a step back after watching Sarah’s video, I realised what I had been doing.  I had been shortcutting tasks.  I had been talking myself into a feeling of self-despair.  I had stopped taking care of myself and as the two are so intricately entwined, my business was suffering.

This was such a huge admission to make to myself, but it had to be done.

Time to recharge

I took a couple of days out to recharge my batteries.  I took a cold hard look at my business and knew things had to change.  I had to stop giving so much of myself away for free.  I had to practice what I preached and start charging my worth.  I had to take this business to a whole new level.  I owed it to myself and to my clients who needed what I had to offer.

And now, a month on, I am so much happier.  I have taken on the support I needed to really move the business forward.  I have had a brand refresh, I have had a price review and I have new packages to offer.

And wow!  What a difference it has made.  My business is now rocketing once again and I am in exactly the right mindset to enjoy it and make the most of it.

If you are feeling stuck and you have no motivation, please don’t do as I did for so long and suffer in silence.  Speak to someone, get support, drop me a line if you like and use me as a sounding board.  That first step of reaching out for help is the hardest but you will be so glad you did.