How Badly Do You Really Want Success

How Badly Do You Really Want Success

How many excuses have you made this month?

Harsh words coming up ladies.  Take a seat if you need to.

I have spoken with a number of ladies this month who haven’t completed tasks that have been set as part of their 1:1 coaching with me.  This has left me somewhat surprised as I always check their commitment at each call and never leave them without them being confident they can do what I have suggested.

But this month, I have had clients tell me they are going to leave it to the universe to tell them when the right time is to move forward.

Well here’s some breaking news. 

This is just a sad excuse for not getting out of your comfort zone and doing some work.  The universe wants you to get off your arses and sort your problems out yourself!!

Too many of you are using the universe scenario to stay in your comfort zones and not do any real money-making activity.  Yes, use visualisation (it works), work on your inner self (so important) but you must take physical action also.

The universe isn’t going to pay your bills and your comfort zone is going to get bloody well uncomfortable when you start to get final reminders through the post.

If you want success badly enough, you will find a way.  If you don’t, you will find an excuse.

It’s up to you to take responsibility for yourself and your success.

I can hear the offence taken by many of you already and if you don’t like my straight talking, I’m not going to apologise.  I don’t sugar coat things.  I tell you how it is.  Now it’s up to you.

How badly do you really want success?

Here’s an exercise for you to help you decide.

Take a seat, close your eyes and take the time to imagine the following scenarios:

Scenario 1

12 months from now, you have shied away from fully promoting yourself. You have no bookings and no income. You are no further forward with your business than you are today.

Your friends and family ask you how your business is going. You feel sick to the stomach. You regret that you didn’t plan and block out time to work properly in your business.  You regret you didn’t stay focused and just worked ad hoc over the last 12 months.

There is no money in the bank account and you know your partner is getting fed up of hearing the same story that next month you will have new clients. You know you won’t as you don’t really believe in yourself.

Scenario 2

12 months from now you are sat looking at your bank balance. You have a regular income that covers all your bills and provides for all those extra luxuries in life that you enjoy.

You open your emails and see a number of testimonies from happy clients and who say they are recommending you to everyone they know.  Oh, look!! Two new bookings have just popped up in your inbox!

Your partner asks you how your business is. You beam with pride and tell them you are treating them to a weekend away as you are doing so well.

Really sit and visualise both these scenarios. Which one do you want in 12 months? Number 2? Then focus on this. Bottle the feeling of scenario 2. Think this scenario through before you go to sleep at night and when you wake up every morning.

It’s your choice. If you want it badly enough, you will do what it takes.  You will take action.   You will plan.  You will get focused.  And you will do one thing every single day to take you closer to your goal.  You WON’T give up.

If you don’t really want it, you will make excuses.

It’s all up to you!


Make your own opportunities

Make your own opportunities

I fully believe that any woman with a passion and a commitment to succeed can achieve anything they wish to.

But saying that, you have to make your own opportunities.

I have met and worked with women who have homeless drug addicts, who when given an opportunity, have grabbed it with both hands and built the most amazing businesses.

And I have also met with incredible women who had an amazing talent and everything they needed to create something wonderful, but they just didn’t follow through due to a lack of confidence and a fear of failure.

Confidence and a determination to do whatever it takes is the key to success.  And a lack of confidence can be a real killer as can be the fear of the unknown.  That’s why I always start off any work with clients, whether in person or one of my online courses building their confidence and self-belief.  After all, if you don’t believe in yourself, why should anyone else?

You can have the best product or service out there, you can know everything there is to know about how to market it to your ideal client, but if you don’t have the right mindset, you just won’t have the confidence to go out there and go after those paying clients.

You may well dabble a little here and there, but you will get sporadic results.  You will stumble when asked for a discount and may well end up giving one!  You may start to lose motivation when you get rejected by someone and you find out they buy elsewhere.

Getting in the right mindset is critical and the very first thing you need to before anything else when building a business in my opinion.  Forget reading up and watching more webinars on how to grow sales through Facebook until you truly believe in yourself and your product and are prepared to stand up and shout it out from the rooftops how fabulous you are.

And once you have that cracked, as fired up and enthused as you may be about creating your own business, it will take hard work, commitment and personal investment on your own part along with self-responsibility for making things happen.  It’s quite simply not going to happen overnight.

You will hit hurdles.  The unexpected will happen.  You won’t always get what you want.

The time will never be right and nothing will ever be perfect.

And this is where the determination and the right attitude will be the difference between winners and losers.

You can sit back, feel that life is unfair and ultimately give up.  Or you can decide that you will get up off your backside and keep battling forward.

Putting it quite simply …

The action takers win

And that’s where I come in.  I will keep you motivated and inspired to keep taking those small steps forward that lead to great results.

I know how hard it can be when you are starting out and struggling against one hurdle after another.  I will be there when you need me, so you need never feel alone again.

If you have a dream, if you have a burning passion, get in touch.  You have nothing to fear and everything to gain.