In an online forum that I’m in, the questions was asked ‘What’s the best piece of advice you would give to a new entrepreneur today?’
There were some great answers, so I picked out a few to share with you.
Don’t work without a contract, especially if you know them.
Yes! This was a hot topic in a recent event that I hosted. We can tend to work on trust with people we know such as family and friends but this is invariably where things go wrong. We never know what is around the corner and without a contract, long standing relationships can be torn apart.
Invest in your business. Do not rely on free ANYTHING to grow your business
Now, I wouldn’t go so far as to say not rely on free anything, but yes, if you are serious about your business, you are going to need to invest. If you rely on free everything, it is going to take forever to get where you want to be.
Stay consistent and remember to always take a break when you are feeling overwhelmed
Yep! Couldn’t agree more. Consistency and persistency are key. Too many give up too early after trying a new tactic for a week or so without results. It takes time to build your visibility and gain relationships.
And, yes, it is so important to take a break to rest, reflect and recharge, particularly when we are feeling overwhelmed.
Take action sooner. Do not get stuck in a learning loop
How many courses and books have you studied but never fully actioned? Far too many I suspect. Don’t fool yourself you are learning more. There is no point learning anything if you don’t take what you have learned and put it into action. I’ve read a book how to get a six pack but still don’t have one because I don’t do the exercises!!
Have set time to work your business. It cannot be a hobby.
If you work ad hoc as and when you feel like it, don’t be surprised when you get ad hoc results. Schedule work time, get disciplined and work!
Never give up. And don’t take anything on board from people who want to steal your dream. Associate with people who have drive and are positive in their attitudes.
Oh, those dream stealers! They all want to quash your dream because they don’t have the courage to do what you are doing. They say you will act and become like the 5 people you spend the most time with. Choose people wisely.

Schedule your free time first and always be firm about it. — Work will take up as much time as you give it. So, schedule your free time first and then make the space for work around that.
When you’re on your death bed, (sorry to bring morbidity into this) I doubt you will say you wish you had spent more time at work. Get your priorities right. Block out time for friends and family and be present with them 100%. You can always make more money. You can’t get more time.
Do your accounting and get everything setup correctly from the start!
Cash is king and is the one deciding factor on your business success or failure. You must get a grip on the finances. Very simply, you need to know what money is coming in, what is going out and what is left. Profit determines success.
Be authentically you, don’t fall for the fake stats and trust your gut. You got it…even when you doubt your ability…Keep on Pushing!
Yes, be you. You are your business. There is no point trying to be something you’re not as people will see through you as being fake.
You don’t need your website, business cards or a perfect branding strategy before you start. You need to get started and keep showing up.
True! Yes, a website and branding can help grow your business but to start with, just get out there and start selling. There is the danger of trying to get everything perfect before launching but this can take far too long and cause you to miss valuable sales.
Every day do a little something to get you closer to your goal.
This is one of my favourites. If you take just one step each day, you will eventually be guaranteed to complete a marathon. Trying to do everything can seem overwhelming and so we end up doing nothing. Focus on one small thing each day and don’t give up.
Do you have something to add? Leave your comment below.