Build A Successful Business Course

This is the ultimate business course with gold plated step by step advice that takes you through everything you need to do to grow a successful business.

12 modules on what to do, why to do it and most importantly, HOW to do it. This course has been written by me after working for over 20 years with hundreds of businesses. I know what works and what doesn’t. I know what makes a successful business and I know why businesses fail.

The Build A Successful Home Business course is the complete roadmap to building your business and include everything you need to turn your dreams into reality including:

  • Intro And Pre-Course Homework
  • Module 1 – It’s All About You – Getting In The Right Mindset
  • Module 2 – Day To Day Running Of The Business
  • Module 3 – Planning Your Business
  • Module 4 – Market Research – The Critical Element
  • Module 5 – How Much Do You Need To Earn And How Will You Make Money
  • Module 6 – Creating A Marketing Plan
  • Module 7 – Magnetic Marketing That Gets Results
  • Module 8 – Launching A New Product Or Service
  • Module 9 – Sell Without Selling
  • Module 10 – Creating A Customer Experience That Gets Remembered
  • Module 11 – Measure Test And Review
  • Module 12 – Preparing For Growth

Plus you get to work with me personally through this course as I will be on standby with email support for the first 6 months!

woman working on Build a successful business course

You may still be wondering whether to invest in the Build a Successful Business course or not because many business courses are a waste of time. Sad but true.

But why?

success or failure in business

Not enough first-hand experience

The person writing the course doesn’t have enough true-life experience or knowledge. They have started something for themselves which they have faffed about with, it hasn’t really worked but someone told them they would make a good coach or should do something online.

They may have read a textbook on what to do and think this is enough to adapt to try and teach others. That’s the same as reading a book on how to do hairdressing and then expecting to turn into Vidal Sassoon overnight! It doesn’t happen. 

My business course has been written from over 20 years in business consultancy and seeing hundreds (if not nearing thousands) of businesses succeed and fail.

I know what the difference is between those businesses that succeed and fail.

I know what made a HUGE difference to businesses that were struggling and transformed them into being highly successful and profitable.

I know the steps that were missed by those businesses that failed and things they did or didn’t do that ultimately led them to close.

trust the universe

Too much focus on trusting the universe

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m all for a positive mindset and visualisation but there is also a point you have to get off your arse and take some action!

My business course starts off with getting in the right mindset but then it moves to take action steps that will actually grow your business. This is done with proven systems and strategies that I have seen work time and time again over the years. They will work for you too but ONLY if you action them. I have come across more business owners than I care to mention who left it to the universe to tell them what to do next. They are still sitting there waiting!

My course helps you develop your marketing strategies and shows you how to sell your products and services. My business course is for those who want to succeed in growing a successful business, not for those who are looking for someone to mollycoddle them and verify their excuses for not being where they want to be.

How to know if a business course is worth it

testimonial for business course

Check Out Testimonials

Go online and look at testimonials. Firstly, beware of fake ones. These are usually the ones with no profile pic or name. You may also see a whole load of testimonials written on the same day – strange that! It’s almost as they were paid for!

Read what others have to say. Look at what results they got. If they have left their details, get in touch, and ask them for more info on what they loved about the course.

I have loads of testimonials on my site which you are free to check out.



Angie Taffs at 10 Downing Street

Check out the coach

As previously mentioned, too many courses are written by coaches who have never grown a successful business of their own. They are relying on textbook theory and don’t have the experience of working with businesses over years and years and knowing first-hand what works and what doesn’t.

I have worked as a business advisor for a local enterprise agency running the hugely successful Women In Business programme.

I have worked as senior advisor for a Government Start Up Loans Company, reviewing business plans and ultimately signing them off for funding.

I have attended meetings at 10 Downing Street to discuss the future of women in business and how to support them.

 Coaches without real experience make wild claims and lead you to believe you can build a six-figure business in just a couple of months. They don’t tell you it took them 10 years to build their business to that level and they spent way more than six figures doing it. If the course sounds too good to be true, it probably is!

I never make any promises as to what you will earn or how soon. It’s entirely up to you as to how much you want to earn and how much effort you are willing to put in. I DO promise my course will make a significant difference to your business success if you are prepared to put in the effort, follow the steps and take action. And I DO promise if you only follow the actions in the ‘Sell without selling’ module, you can seriously ramp up the sales you make.


Find the right business coach and course that can transform both your business and your life. Jumping in with the wrong one can cause you no end of personal and financial stress. Do the background checks to find out which is best for you and your business.

If you would like to have a chat to see if my course is the right fit for you, get in touch now, or if you’re happy to go ahead, let’s get started!