Genius ways to get worldwide visibility for your business
Two genius examples of how to get your business in front of a worldwide audience
This past week I saw two pieces of marketing genius. They were completely different from each other but both had sprinklings of magic within them.
One was not done to promote a business and was done completely off the cuff without any payment and gained phenomenal media attention worldwide.. The other was indeed a little more premeditated, was a business promotion and cost money. But the way it was done again gained worldwide attention and gained tremendous visibility for the business in question.
The simple joys of life
The first was by the wonderful Candace Payne.
No, she doesn’t run her own business but she has wiped the floor as far as visibility is concerned and become an online sensation. And how? All by being herself and having some fun.
Candace is the lady who simply went out, bought a Chewbacca face mask, put it on in her car and screamed with laughter whilst recording it all on Facebook live. During her gales of laughter she spoke about her antics being one of the simple joys of life.
She didn’t sit back and plan how to get views and likes on Facebook. She didn’t watch endless webinars on how to create a perfect video or how to master Facebook live. She just got out there and did her own thing.
And the result has been simply breath-taking! She has so far had 1.5 million views of her Facebook live video, breaking all records. She has appeared on the James Corden show. She got to visit Lucas Film Studio where Star Wars was made. She got invited to the headquarters of Facebook. She is getting to meet movie stars and everyone wants to have her in their life.
Off the back of all this publicity, Candace has created a line of clothing being branded to enjoy the simple joys in life and her business is booming after just a few days.
I think we can all take a lesson from her to stop over thinking things, stop planning to the nth degree, stop trying to be someone you are not and to be true to yourself and let your true personality shine through. Oh, and stop taking life so seriously and have some bloody fun!!!
Way to go Candace
Free? Did you say free???
The second example is somewhat different but still just as brilliant in itself.
A local businessman, Rob Braddick, who owns a number of businesses in the area went and purchased one of the council car parks near to one of his restaurants, The Pier House in Westward Ho! He then pictured himself in front of the parking meter, covering it up and declaring the park could be used for free. Yes, FREE!!!
His social media post declared:
As of 4pm today my company ‘Braddicks Leisure Ltd’ has acquired a long lease on SEAFIELD CAR PARK at the end of Merley Road.With immediate effect I’m making it FREE,yes FREE for the community and the public to use.
Please do park up and stroll over to The Pier House for a coffee or a cold pint.(not free!)
He paid thousands for the privilege of owning the car park so was he not mad to want to charge people to use it?
Obviously not. The publicity he gained off the back of this gesture was quite frankly incredible. His story got picked up on and was published in national newspapers, radio stations and shared thousands of times on social media.
Local people are visiting his venue to have their picture taken with him with a typical comment on social media stating
‘Just shaken hands with the most famous car park long-leaseholder in the world (surely Sir) Robert Braddick!’
‘Ooooh, super excited to be able to sneak this little podcast in today -possibly the most talked about carpark in the UK! Behind the scenes with Rob Braddick – the most generous business man in Devon.’
He has been hailed as a ‘hero’, ‘star’ and ‘legend’ and has whipped up a media frenzy.
If he had spent thousands of pounds on paid advertising, there is no way his money would have gained him the attention that doing something wholly unexpected and out of the ordinary did. He went against the grain and instead of looking to make immediate gains by charging for his services, he gave something of value away for free. This got people talking and in the world of psychology, where the power of reciprocity is well documented, people now want to come visit his premises to buy food and drink to pay him back for his generosity.
So the lesson to be learnt here is not to always keep trying to sell. Think about doing something unexpected, giving something of value away for free and create an environment in which people want to buy from you.
Way to go Robert!
What genius way can you think of to raise visibility for your business? Leave a comment below