Why use LinkedIn for business


Make valuable connections

I look on LinkedIn in the same way as the Six Degrees of Separation.  I have found, almost without exception, that if there is someone I really want to connect with, I can find them on LinkedIn and that I will be connected to them through my own network of contacts.  I can then ask my own contact for an introduction after explaining why I want the introduction.

This can prove to be a powerful way of making connections with people who can help you build your business such as marketers, journalists, suppliers and industry influencers.


Join groups

By joining in groups relevant to your business you can gain valuable industry knowledge and keep up to date with the latest news and events. You can use the content of group discussions to give you ideas for your own blog posts or finding ways of being more creative with your marketing efforts.


Join discussions

By joining in and giving your own opinion on discussions within groups, you can build your brand awareness and start to position yourself as an expert in your chosen field.  By becoming part of a discussion, you raise your visibility to like-minded business professionals and open up a potential new network of connections.


Ask questions

LinkedIn is a great place for being able to ask questions and get industry specific answers from other experts.  You can post these questions in specific groups where group members will get an alert to the question being raised.


Post your blog

By posting your industry relevant article on LinkedIn, it can get seen by individuals who may then share this content with their own connections.  This gets your business under the noses of professionals you may not otherwise have access to.



I have used LinkedIn extensively for researching clients, potential employees, suppliers and key partners.  Unless they have their profile locked down, you can find out a lot about their background and can read recommendations and reviews from their connections.


Keep in contact

I have used LinkedIn to maintain contact with business professionals I have met face to face at events and networking meetings.  LinkedIn is a great way of keeping in touch and up to date with what they are doing.  No more having to hunt through a box of business cards to find someone, I just type their name into the search box and message them if I want to get in contact again.


Use these tips for LinkedIn for business and see how it helps your professional profile and gains you new clients.