What to do when you get distracted by bright shiny objects

What to do when you get distracted by bright shiny objects

Do you suffer Bright Shiny Object syndrome?

You know the feeling.  You are in the middle of something, maybe doing some research on a project you are working on.  And then you see it.  First a little twinkle out the corner of your eye.  And then it turns into this wonderful bright shiny object that simply demands your attention. 

Sound familiar? 

We’ve all been there.  And this Bright Shiny Object is the best thing since sliced bread.  Until ….. you see another one.  Oh, what to do.  So many shiny things to chase after!!!! 

Now, these distractions can be just for a few minutes.  Even in this situation, you are going to lose so much time trying to refocus on what you were originally working on.  But the worst case is when this takes you down a new track and you leave your old plans unfinished. 

The danger point is that you keep chasing new things and never actually complete anything.  Therefore, you never get the results you set out to achieve and so the vicious cycle of chasing another BSO continues. 

Here are my three top tips to help deal with the distractions. 

Determine your end goal 

Firstly, what is your end goal?  Keep looking at your plan and make sure that everything you do takes you towards to your goal, not away from it. It is too easy to get side tracked and led astray so by referring to your plan on a regular basis you can make sure you keep on track and focused on what you ultimately want to achieve. 

Yes, you are bound to get caught up with other ideas as you grow your business, but if you keep stopping and starting something new, you will never get anything finished.  You will end up confusing yourself and ultimately, your clients!! 

Commit the bright shiny object to paper 

Whenever you have a new idea pop up, write it down.  Have an ideas book or board.  Pop everything on here.  And then sit on it!!  Wait for a few days at least and then come back to it.  Does it still look so attractive?  Are you still fired up by it?  Is it going to take you closer to your end goal or is just a distraction? 

Make a date in your diary 

If you decide you still want to go ahead with it, don’t start until you have finished what you were working on before this new idea came up.  Your old idea will have been important enough for you to start on, so make sure you complete that first.  You may just find that when you have completed what you were already working on, you have found yet another bright shiny object and so your last idea has lost its attraction. 

Focus on one thing at a time, do it, and do it well.  Then you can move on to the next. 

Do you suffer from BSO syndrome?  Share with me in the comments below. 

Stop dreaming and start doing

Stop dreaming and start doing

Do you have a can do attitude or are you full of excuses?

There is one significant difference between the small business owners that I meet you are successful and those who just never make it.

Their attitude!

The successful ones have a can do attitude and will do whatever it takes to make their business a success.  They are prepared to step out of their comfort zone and try new things in order to move forward.  They are focused and wholly determined and don’t sit around dreaming all day about what they want, they consistently take action to move forward towards their goals.

On the other hand, I meet those who just stay stuck in the same spot.  These are the people who want the world to deliver results on their doorstep.  They sit and talk about what they want but are not prepared to leave the comfort of their home to really go out there and go after it.  They have every excuse in the book and often live within the blame culture.

They put their lack of success down to a situation that happened in the past which had a detrimental effect on them or that they don’t have enough time to do what they need to do.  But they have the same amount of hours in the day as everyone else on this planet and do they really believe that they are the only ones to have suffered a setback?

I fully understand that self-confidence may play a part here and a lack of self-confidence can be a hugely debilitating when running a business, but I am talking about those who want the easy option.  It really is up to you to choose your attitude and get your business moving forward if you really want to.

Quit with making excuses and waiting for the right time.  Just get off your backside and just do it or, JFDI as the saying goes, Just F****** Do It!

If not and you keep doing what you have always done, you will always get what you have always got.

[Tweet “If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you have always got.”]

Do you have the right attitude? Yes?  Then great.  If not, it is time to decide to stop dreaming, procrastinating and blaming and start some doing if you really want to be successful.